Hello all,
Sorry it's been a couple days. I haven't been feeling so good. I guess that means winter's coming.
~Fact of the Day: There are two different types of immunities: Innate and
specific resistance and many different types of antibodies~
Innate immunity is made up of attributions that you have prior to exposure and birth. Such as skin, mucus membranes, nose hairs, villi in the bronchi, eye lashes, and tears. (this is why you shouldn't remove the mucus lining from your nose. It has many purposes.)
Specific resistance is divided into two more types: passive and active.
Passive immunity is acquired from shots (of antibodies) and from breast milk. These antibodies are usually gone after they have done their job.
Active immunity is acquired while infected. They are antibodies (immunoglobulins(Ig)) that your body makes. There are several different types: IgG, IgA, IgE, IgM, IgD.
80% of plasma antibodies are IgG. These antibodies are small enough to cross the placenta, supplying needed immunities to the child. These are also the types of antibodies received when getting immunized by shot.
IgA is found in plasma and secretions such as mucus, saliva, tears, breast milk, and intestinal secretions. These are the type of antibodies you receive when you are immunized by nasal spray.
IgE antibodies deal mostly with allergic reactions. They are found mostly in tonsils, skin, and mucus membranes.
IgM antibodies are very big and are the main antibody in primary immune responses.
And last, but not least, IgD are found on B-cells as an antigen receptor.
And that's only scratching the surface...
In Latin 'bonus' means good.
bona filia = good daughter.
prō bonō = for good.
bonā fide = in good faith.
cuī bonō = good for who?
Bono Vox, the name one U2 singer Paul David Hewson is most commonly known as, is almost always mistranslated. Vox is derived from the verb voce meaning voice, but what most people don't take into account is that the way a word ends in latin changes it's meaning. When voce becomes vox it becomes what is called the dative form; it is for something.
Therefore, bono vox= a voice for good.
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